
Translation Please

This post will be a decoding for all of my beauties (even though a translation for MYSELF about what this whole blogging thing is might be of great help, too! Feel free to comment with guidance and counsel). 

Side Note: I know many won't care to read this, but It could help in the future, so why not, eh?

Quite honestly my nerves have been refuting this whole blogging world for quite some time now... My Mr. and I were conversing the other night about how we need to be "cooler" if you please. No, that is not totally the reason I started this thing. I mainly started it for us (really me, because I doubt the hubs will ever want anything do to with it). But the life of school, work, dinner, homework, talk for 20 minutes, and then sleep, has really gotten to us. I have a feeling these crazy, non-relevant, and probably mindless journal entries will create zero interest for many of those blogger readers out there (I apologize in advance), but it's worth a shot, right? Any who, back to the whole "we need to be cooler"... we decided that we need to start doing things that we've always wanted to do, that we love, and find out any little detail or element about ourselves that we haven't ever known. AKA not be so dull and depressing. So this is where I decided to just go for it. Squared you may ask? Well the cheesy, cliché version is that both of our initials are SW. So SWxSW=SW^2, right? Cool, boring, I know (I really don't love math - so who knows why I thought up an equation to define the life of my lover and I). But reaching further into the depths of the actual meaning squared, it is to be fair, honest, as well as to attempt the impossible. Soooo profound, right? But really, That's what the Mr. and I strive to do and be. It's who we are, and it's what we yearn. 

Welcome to the existence of Squared. 


This is picture of my new name... (just in case anyone forgot that I am married to the coolest guy ever) because it is so awesome and I adore it. We are all about reppin' the Warner over here. 


  1. Loving the new last name Sariah! FYI-- you are totally cool. It's better than me, trying to be 'Hip'. I'm slowly getting there I think! ;-) Love you!

  2. You will be soooo happy you blogged from the beginning! I started 4 yrs in, and ended up going back this last August and adding some early details, but wish I had written them from the beginning. Anywho, lovies! And good luck! We are annoying and made our blog private, so message me your email address if you need an invite. :) blake.stacie@gmail

  3. Sariah this is your hubs... Just thought I'd say I am very happy you are doing a blog because I know I won't put together the important things of the past as well as you will ha. Seriously though :) I love you!

  4. Ahhh, your husband commenting as you! Cute. Well, I will be reading your blog faithfully, you can't get rid of me. I think you're right in saying that blogging helps you be more conscious of what you're doing and not doing, ie having a fun, getting-out-of-your-comfort-zone type weekend instead of staying in, which is also lovely, but not always as memorable. I know blogging has definitely helped me shape the life I want to be living. I have a testimony of blogging. And I say these things..... Just kidding. Love the blog! Love the name! Go SWs!
