
It's Just Different

I always get weird, nasty homesick feelings when my husband leaves for work. It's mostly just when he goes to sell though. Maybe it is because I know how bad it sucks, and how much I hate it so I just feel strange and sensitive (like I might just cry cause I miss him kinda sensitive) feelings. Who knows. It's hard to explain, but I have all of these emotions right now, cause he left to sell for california today. So now I'm writing about them. It helps :)

I think sometimes he knows when I am getting this way. Like getting ready to send him off and I don't love that he is going kinda thing. Last night he took me to get late night yogurtland cause he knew I liked my outfit and was craving sweet stuff. Even though he was already in his pajamas. He is the best. Really he is, and I don't know if I really share how amazing he is sometimes. Like to other people... And he has this awesome wave with his hair going on right now. I just have a really rad husband. I love him. And his hair.

Oh! And I went to this crazy sweet hair show last night with my sista haley. Like the kind of hair show where you think an animal might crawl out of these ladies heads. It was sweet. And a charity for an amazing cause too! Not to mention I got loads of free shampoo and conditioner samples. The sunflower head was by far my favorite. This is art here people. Pure talent. I would call it a successful time.

P.S. Wasn't the weather amazing yesterday. I ran outside and it made me feel good about myself. I can't wait for spring. OH! And happy "day of being married for a hear and a half!" Mr. Warner! Love it.

- Ry

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