We went… to the Jazz game.. again last night. I don't know how we get so lucky… It was just the same as experience as before. Basically the best, and really fantastic. I once again ate my body weight in food, and treats (Fruit tarts and s'mores bars.. they have to stop doing this too be). As well as about a gallon of the beloved DC.. My body is really hating me for this one. And I am payin' for it!! It is so worth the experience though. I wouldn't trade that stuff for a million buckaroos.
We have had the {man} cold floating around our little 10 square foot apartment this week, and its inevitable that I'm coming down with it.
Heaven bless my soul.
Here goes to a Saturday spent cloroxing every inch and washing anything cloth that lies where we lay.
Happy weekend my lovelies.
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